Fontaine magique
Magic font * (C 5t; R Touch; D Spe; A Spe; S Nil)
Ecole : (Divination) / Sphere : ( Divination / )

Niveau 5 Livre Unearthed Arcanna
Portée Touch Composantes V, S, M
Durée Special Temps d'incantation 5 tours
Zone d'effet Special Sauvegarde None
Description : This spell causes a holylunholy water font
to serve as a scrying device. The spell will not function unless the
cleric is in good standing with his or her deity. The basin of holy/
unholy water becomes similar to a crystalball (see Dungeon Masters
Guide, Miscellaneous Magic Treasure section, under crystalball). For
each vial of capacity of the basin of the font, the cleric may scry for 1
round; thus, the duration of the magic font spell is directly related to
the size of the holylunholy water receptacle. For the chances of a
character being able to detect scrying, see the crystalballdescription
in the Dungeon Masters Guide and the text for the magic-user spell
magic mirror herein. The material components for this spell, the cleric’s
holylunholy symbol and the font and its trappings, are not exhausted
by the use of the spell.