Repair * (C 1r; R 0; D Perm; A Obj touch; S None)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Terre élémentaire / Protection )

Niveau 1 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet Object touched Sauvegarde None
Description : This spell is similar to the 1st level wizard spell mending. It will repair any one object, which has a maximum volume of 1 cubic foot per level of the spell caster. For plate armour and any other object which has listed hit points (eg., a rope of climbing), the spell restores 1 HP per level of the priest. Just like mending, the spell will not, in and of itself, repair magical items which have lost their enchantments. However, the spell will repair magical items which have some damage but are still magical. For example, the spell will restore hit points to damaged magical plate armour, and can repair damage to a rope of climbing which has not been completely severed. However, if the rope of climbing had been completely severed, (cf. Dungeon Master's Guide) the spell could only repair the rope and would not restore the lost magical properties. The material components are a small piece of metal which is consumed when the spell is cast, and the priests holy symbol.
The reverse of the spell, break, does 1 points of damage per level of the priest to any one item if the item has hit points, or forces the item to save with a base roll of 10 if the item does not have hit points. Magical items, or items with a total volume of over 1 cubic foot per level of the spell caster are not affected by break. Failure indicates that the item has broken into 1d8+2 pieces. In both cases, the priest must touch the item, requiring a successful attack roll against an unwilling recipient.