Flash impressionnant
Stunning Flash * (C 1s; R 10yds; D Inst; A 10ft rad globe; S Neg)
Ecole : (Invocation / Evocation) / Sphere : ( Solaire / )

Niveau 1 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 yards Composantes V
Durée Instantanée Temps d'incantation 1 segment
Zone d'effet 10 foot rad globe Sauvegarde Negates
Description : Due to a flash of light that appears in their eyes, victims failing their saving throw versus petrification are stunned for 1d6 1 rounds + 1 per four levels of the caster (up to a maximum of 10 rounds). The saving throw is made with a +4 bonus minus one per four level of the caster.