Rompre la malédiction
Break Curse * (C Spe; R 10ft; D Perm; A 1item, obj, area; S Spe)
Ecole : (Abjuration) / Sphere : ( Protection / )

Niveau 6 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 feet Composantes V, S, M
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation Special
Zone d'effet 1 item, object, area Sauvegarde Special
Description : This spell is a higher powered version of remove curse. Instead of removing the curse (which means to some priests that the curse is just relocated to another area, item or object), this spell breaks and destroys it. It takes a lot more time to break a curse than to remove one. Thus, the casting time is 1 hour or more. For each hour, the caster and the curse (i.e. the creator of the curse) get a saving throw versus spell at their base saving throws (no bonuses except race). These saving throws are modified due to special circumstances. If, for example, the priest is in the holiest of his temple wielding one of the greatest artifacts of his religion against a simple cursed sword, 1, the saving throws would be modified very positively in the direction of the priest and very negatively to the side of the sword (DM's judgement). Each failed saving throw causes the next saving throw to be made as if the creature or item were one level lower. If both fail their saving throws, both lower their respective levels. This level loss is only in respect to their saving throws against each other — they do not actually lose levels. Once the curse side loses all levels, the curse is broken. This means that the item is now changed into a normal magic item of the kind it tried to depict in the beginning. If the priest loses all levels, he has to save versus death magic once per lost level (this time again against base saving throw). Per failed saving throw versus death magic the priest actually loses one level permanently. They may be restored with restoration. If both reach zero levels at once, then the priest is sucked into the item or area which now seems to be cursed with another curse instead of its original curse. The effects of this are up to the DM.
The material components are the holy symbol of the priest plus one item which carries a significant symbolic opponent to the curse per level of the curse creator. As the opposing level is not known, one should have lots of stuff to ensure that enough items are there. For each item that is lacking during the casting, the caster of this spell has to save versus death magic (at normal saving throws); any failed saving throws indicate that the curse sucked in the priest; any levels the priest had are now added to the level of curses in the item or area. The significant items are destroyed one by one per failed saving throw of the curse creator. These items can be supplied during the casting by helpers.
The reverse, instill curse, creates a very strong curse which can be placed in an item or on an area. If it is placed within an item, the item gains the power to force the wielder to commit suicidal acts, to become a homicidal maniac, or something the like (all subject to a saving throw versus spell each time the item is touched or thrice per round if continuous touch). Such items can resist the effect of break curse as if they used the normal saving throws of the curse caster at the time the caster cast this spell.
The reversed spell requires the priest's holy symbol, a significant amount of solidified hatred (about a teaspoon full), a huge amount of disgust (a wineskin full), and a large sack of desire to harm.