Hold * (C 1s; R 0; D 1r/L; A 60ft long, 60deg; S Neg)
Ecole : (Enchantement / Charme) / Sphere : ( Charme / )

Niveau 6 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 round per level Temps d'incantation 1 segment
Zone d'effet 60-foot long, 60deg wide arc Sauvegarde Negates
Description : This spell immobilizes its victims, causing creatures affected to stop all activity and freeze in position. The creatures affected may be allowed to talk (this often includes spellcasting) as desired by the priest, but no other actions than non magical thinking may proceed during the duration of the spell. Hold may be cast on one creature per every two levels of priest, but for every additional creature above one, all creatures to be affected save at +1. The material component for this spell is a miniature silver cage, which is not consumed in the casting.