Transfert élémentaire de Rednog
Rednog's Elemental Transfer * (C 5r; R 10ft/L; D 5r/L; A 1person/5L; S Neg)
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Niveau 6 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 feet per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée 5 rounds per level Temps d'incantation 5 rounds
Zone d'effet 1 person per 5 level Sauvegarde Negates
Description : This spell is similar to the two spells plant transfer and animal transfer. It gives the recipients one ability of an elemental of the priest's choice. This can be the movement type (and speed), the attack type (and damage), the immunity (and vulnerabilities) of a single elemental, etc. Thus, it could enable the characters to walk through the earth like an earth elemental (but does not give them the ability so see, hear or breathe like an earth elemental), or it could allow the characters to walk through a fire if they had gained the invulnerability of a fire elemental (but note that they would take double damage from water or ice magic for the time), etc. Thus, this spell is a rather mixed blessing. The spell cannot be ended prematurely except with the use of a dispel magic spell.
Like the other spells of this kind it is not possible to gain more than one ability with the use of this spell — even if the spell is repeated.
The material components are the holy symbol of the priest and a little part of the element that the characters want to get an ability from (a flame, a drop of water, a breath of air, or a stone). If the abilities of quasi or para elementals are wanted, double the casting time and have a small piece of the respective quasi or para element at hand.