Tourbillon de Vylja
Vylja's Whirlwind * (C 1r; R 10yd/L; D 1r; A 15x45ft; S None)
Ecole : (Conjuration) / Sphere : ( Air élémentaire / Climat )

Niveau 6 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 yards per level Composantes V, S
Durée 1 round Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet 15x45-foot rectangle Sauvegarde None
Description : This powerful spell enables the priest to channel energy from the elemental plane of air into the prime material plane in order to create a large whirlwind. The whirlwind is 30 feet high, 10 feet wide at its base and 30 feet wide at its top. It comes into existence at the end of the casting time at some 15 foot square location determined by the caster. In the next round it moves away in a straight line from its point of origin for 30 feet before dissipating into ordinary air again. The priest can choose in which direction the whirlwind moves if he concentrates on that task during the round following the casting of the spell. If he has other concerns, the whirlwind will move in a random direction — roll 1d8 to see which one.
All creatures in the total area of effect, which is 15 feet wide and 45 feet long, are battered by powerful wind blasts and suffer 3d8 points of damage. Trees and buildings suffer structural damage as if hit 3 times by a battering ram.
If the whirlwind cannot attain its full height (when cast underground, for example), its force is diminished somewhat: it only deals 3d4 points of damage to creatures and inanimate objects only suffer structural damage once.