Zone de tolerance
Zone of Tolerance * (C 1r; R 0; D 24hrs; A 120yds rad; S Spe)
Ecole : (Abjuration) / Sphere : ( Protection / )

Niveau 6 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 24 hours Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet 120 yard radius area Sauvegarde Special
Description : This spell is used by a priest to create an area in which alcohol has a diminished effect on creatures. Any being entering the area must make a saving throw versus spell to overcome the compulsion not to drink. Creatures entering the area already intoxicated will have their level of intoxication reduced by one level (note that this sobers up those who are slightly intoxicated). Constitution checks made in the area are unmodified, no matter what is being imbibed, thus making it more difficult to become drunk (see the Net Alcohol Guide for more information).
The reverse, zone of intoxication, creates an area in which alcohol is more effective than normal. Any being entering the area must save versus spell or be compelled to drink. Creatures entering the area will become one level more intoxicated than they were (not more than greatly intoxicated, and sober creatures are unaffected by this). Constitution checks are made at a -3 penalty, cumulative with other penalties, making it easier to become drunk.
This spell is popular amongst priests who assist temperance organizations. The reverse is popular amongst business owners who enjoy the large consumption of alcohol. Of course, they must find priests willing to help the business. Most priests will cast the spell for a small contribution to the church.
The material component of the spell is a sea sponge with a serving of alcohol sucked into it.