Regards de feu
Fire Gaze * (C 1r; R Tch; D 1t/L; A 1Crt; S Nil)
Ecole : (Enchantement / Charme) / Sphere : ( Feu élémentaire / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 30 feet Composantes V, S
Durée 3 rounds per level Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet Special Sauvegarde Negates
Description : This spell turns the caster's eyes into small fire globes. All creatures that meet the caster's gaze must save versus spell at -4 penalty or be charmed as per the spell (but those immune to charm person are not immune to this spell as well).
The target creature must be intelligent and have the ability to see. If the saving throw is failed, the caster can try to direct some or all of its actions during the spell. Otherwise the creature becomes immediately hostile. To determine who meets the gaze of the caster, use the rules for gaze attacks.
This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world.