Localisation d'éléments
Locate Element * (C 3r; R 0; D Inst; A 50yds/L rad; S None)
Ecole : (Divination) / Sphere : ( Elémentaire (All) / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Instantaneous Temps d'incantation 3 rounds
Zone d'effet 50 yards per level radius Sauvegarde None
Description : The caster can use this spell to locate particular emanations of the elements.
• The air priest can try to locate a specific gas or vapour or the existence of air at a given place.
• The earth priest can find metals, minerals, gems, etc.
• Fire priests can detect the temperature of a given place or whether the element of fire had touched the place in the recent past (1 day per level).
• Water priests can locate bodies of water or other liquids in the area of effect.
In all cases, the area of effect is a circular area with a radius of 50 yards per experience level of the caster. He learns the answer at the end of the casting. The spell cannot be fooled by illusions or other spells of less than sixth level.
The material component is some of the material sought (a gas container, a flask of water, a gem or piece of iron or a burning stick for example). This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. Any monetary units are for the Dark Sun, increase where appropriate.