Oathbreaker * (C 5s; R 0; D Spe; A 1Crt; S None)
Ecole : (Conjuration) / Sphere : ( Conjuration / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Special Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet 1 creature Sauvegarde None
Description : Oathbreaker is a powerful method of obtaining vengeance for a fallen comrade. The deceased person must have been known to the priest, and must have been killed through the treachery of the intended target of the spell. That is, the target must have violated an oath or agreement with the deceased person (king to subject, guest to host, etc.), or conspired to bring about the death of the deceased.
Casting oathbreaker begins with the priest bringing out an object that used to be in the deceased's possession (which is the material component of this spell), naming the deceased, and detailing the treachery which resulted in his death. Thereafter, two huge columns appear in front of the priest. Between the columns appears a great door. The priest then knocks on the door thrice, names the deceased, and pulls open the doors. The deceased person then steps through the door as a special undead creature.
The deceased comes back in a near corporeal form which mimics his form in life. The spirit has the same hit points as it did in life, and appear as it did in life. Although the spirit appears unarmoured, is affected only by magical weapons of +2 or better enchantment. The spirit has 50% magical resistance, and is unaffected by sleep, charm, and other forms of mental control. It can attack adversaries as a spectre, and can cast revisitation any time it comes within range of the person responsible for its death. In any case, the spirit's only purpose is to seek out and destroy the person responsible for its death; the spirit will exist only as long as the target remains alive.
If the spirit is slain with magical weapons, or is dispelled (for which it gets a saving throw versus spell as it would have in life) it can never be raised from the dead again, except by a wish.