Ostracise * (C 1r; R 10ft; D Perm; A 1pers; S Neg)
Ecole : (Enchantement / Charme) / Sphere : ( Charme / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 feet Composantes V, S
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet 1 person Sauvegarde Negates
Description : Upon casting this spell, the victim is effectively ostracised from his community: everyone knowing the victim will look upon him with disregard, or even disgust. Even good friends and close relatives will start neglecting and avoiding the character, eventually resulting in total isolation of the victim.
This spell only affects reactions of those that knew the character before the spell was cast: the victim can, for example, move to another town and start a new life there. People meeting him there will react normally, unless the outcast's reputation has somehow reached them, in which case the may act with prejudice.
This spell can be removed by a remove curse spell, provided it is cast by someone at least two levels higher than the caster of ostracise. Also, a limited wish or wish will remove the effects.
To cast this spell, the priest must point at the victim and order him to leave the community, informing him that his presence there is no longer appreciated. The victim must be able to understand the words of the priest. The victim receives a saving throw versus spell, modified for Wisdom, with a -1 penalty to the die roll for every three levels of experience he has less than the priest. If the victim is of higher level, he receives a +1 bonus for every one level of difference.