Transfert Animal de Rednog
Rednog's Animal Transfer * (C 5s; R 10ft/L; D 5r/L; A 1per/5L; S Neg)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Animale / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 feet per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée 5 round per level Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet 1 person per 5 level Sauvegarde Negates
Description : This spell is similar to the 4th level spell Rednog's plant transfer with the exception that an animal feature is gained. This feature can be one thing that is specific for the animal. Thus, a character could gain the bears claw and hug attacks, or a snakes poisonous bite, or a monkeys climbing ability (including long, hairy arms and a grasping tail), etc. Again, this ability has to be adjudicated by the DM. As with the previous spell, if the character uses his special ability to attack, these attacks use up all other actions the character has unless he has trained for almost excessive times in this new form. This spell cannot be used multiple times on the same characters while they still have one ability from one animal. The first spell has to run its course or it has to be dispelled before another ability can be gained.
The material components are a part of the animal of which the characters are to get a feature of plus the priest's holy symbol.