Neutralisation du Poison Améliorée de Selene
Selene's Improved Neutralize Poison * (C 8s; R 0; D Perm; A Crt touched; S None)
Ecole : (Nécromancie) / Sphere : ( Soins / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 8 segments
Zone d'effet Creature touched Sauvegarde None
Description : This spell combines the effects of the 4th level priest spell neutralize poison and the 2nd level priest spell slow poison. The spell will first revive, then neutralize the poison in any individual upon which it is cast. It will bring back a supposedly dead individual if cast upon the victim within a number of turns less than or equal to the level of experience of the priest after the poisoning was suffered (cf. slow poison). Neither a system shock nor a resurrection roll is needed for a victim brought back in this manner and it does not count as a death for purposes of Constitution loss.
The reversed spell, Selene's improved poison, requires a successful attack roll in combat, and the victim is also allowed a saving throw versus poison, but at a -1 penalty per 3 levels of the priest. Failure indicates death.
The material component of this spell is the cleric's holy symbol.