Site Warning
Site Warning * (C 1h; R 0; D Perm; A 10yd/L rad; S None)
Ecole : (Abjuration) / Sphere : ( Cosmos / )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 1 hour
Zone d'effet 10 yard per level radius Sauvegarde None
Description : This spell must be cast on a specific, circular area. It affects all of Intelligence 2 or higher with no saving throw. Undead are immune to it.
All those who enter receive a clear mental warning not to proceed. It is faint at the edge of the circle but it grows stronger as they approach the centre. The subjects have an overwhelming feeling of danger but they are otherwise unaffected: the spell cannot impede the progression of a strong willed, determined individual. Language is not a barrier for this is purely an emotional, wordless message.
The material component of the spell is a gem of at least 20 gp value. It must be placed in the centre of the area and then blessed by the caster. The gem radiates a pale, green aura which dimly illuminates the surroundings.
At half a foot of the gem the feeling of danger is nearly insufferable and will affect all creatures regardless of Intelligence. To get closer, one must save versus petrification and make a Strength check: both with a -5 penalty. Those who fail in one of these are paralysed with terror for 1d4 rounds and cannot try again to get closer until they gain a level.
Small projectiles (hurled rocks, arrows, etc.) and poles wielded by other creatures cannot touch the gem. The caster can hide or protect the gem with other spells as the spell ends at once if the gem is disturbed in any way.
The spell is usually used to prevent entrance to dangerous areas. Only one of higher level than the caster when he cast it can dispel the warning. This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. Any monetary units are for the Dark Sun, increase where appropriate.