Stonewood * (C 3t; R 0; D Perm; A Obj touched; S None)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Terre élémentaire / Végétale )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 3 turns
Zone d'effet Object touched Sauvegarde None
Description : When a priest casts stonewood and subsequently touches a wooden object, the wood in that object is magically enhanced and given a stonelike strength. The altered wood is in every way the same as untreated wood (texture, colour, weight, flexibility, etc.) except for the stonelike strength and hardness. An object of up to 100 square feet and a thickness of no more than 1 inch per level of the priest of wood can be affected by this spell. To cast this spell, the priest needs mistletoe and a gemstone of at least 500 gp.