Forme du Spectre
Wraith's Form * (C 1s; R 0; D ér/L; A Caster; S None)
Ecole : (Nécromancie) / Sphere : ( Nécromantique / Protection )

Niveau 5 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 2 rounds per level Temps d'incantation 1 segment
Zone d'effet Caster Sauvegarde None
Description : The priest and all carried gear become para ethereal, and an aura of negative energy surrounds the priest. The priest can only be struck by magical weapons or by silver weapons for half damage and is treated as gaseous for movement purposes. Undead will not recognize the priest as a living being unless they are of higher status and Intelligence in which case they may save versus death magic at 4 in order to recognize the necromancer for what he is. Living creatures suffer 1d6 damage on touch (which is the priests only attack on non ethereal creatures during the spell duration). The priest may negate the effects of the spell at will, but will appear to non ethereal creatures as a shadowy, smoky, semi transparent ghost and will take 1d6 damage per round from sunlight. Note that this spell may be cast only from planes adjacent to the ethereal (those being the primes and the surface of the inner sphere). The priest is not affected by normal winds. The material component for this spell is a bit of cotton wool.