Analyse des Eléments
Analyze Element * (C 1r; R 5ft/L; D Inst; A Spe; S None)
Ecole : (Divination) / Sphere : ( Elémentaire (All) / )

Niveau 4 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 5 feet per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée Instantaneous Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet Special Sauvegarde None
Description : Using this spell, the elemental priest can analyze some non magical amount of his own element and learn its components.
• Air priests can learn the ingredients of gases and other similar material within range.
• Earth priests can analyze an amount of any mineral, metal, gem, etc.
• Fire priests have somewhat limited options. They can only inspect a fire or smoke and learn about the source of it (what kind of material is burning) or learn about the temperature of a place.
• Water priests can learn the ingredients of any liquid solution.
If the caster is of twelfth level or higher he can also examine magical items or materials (or magical fire in case of the fire priest). In all cases, the caster can later try to construct the material examined, if he has the proper ingredients.
The substance to be affected must be in a single body (one flask of liquid or one solid mixture). The material component of the spell is a gold coin. This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. Any monetary units are for Dark Sun, increase where appropriate.