Conjuration d'Animental
Conjure Animental * (C 5r; R 10ft/L; D 1t/L; A Spe; S None)
Ecole : (Conjuration) / Sphere : ( Animale / Elémentaire (All) )

Niveau 4 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 10 feet per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 turn per level Temps d'incantation 5 rounds
Zone d'effet Special Sauvegarde None
Description : This spell conjures the so called animentals, which are animals from the elemental planes, to the caster. These animentals may not have more than the caster's level in Hit Dice each with a minimum of one Hit Die per creature each. Animentals with less Hit Dice (1-1 HD, ½ HD, or less Hit Dice) are not viable on the prime material, not even with this spell. This means that the caster will get a minimum of one creature (if he desires with a maximum of one Hit Die per level) up to a maximum of one creature per level (with a minimum of one Hit Die).
To determine how many Hit Dice a creature might have, add 50% of the normal animal's Hit Dice to the animental's Hit Dice, as their normal habitat is a lot more violent than the prime material plane.
These animentals are even less intelligent than their greater cousins, the normal elementals. Although they follow the priest's desires willingly, they will follow their own instincts in fulfilling them. They are very scared of the opposing element and will not enter it under any circumstances, not even if the priest charms them into doing so.
The priest can determine which kind of animental he can summon (see below), but he can only conjure one type of animental. He cannot use any leftover Hit Dice to summon smaller versions. The conjured animentals have to be of the normal Hit Dice variety of their type. The only animentals he can summon are those that have equivalents in the natural animal world. These conjured animentals tend to look like their real world cousins with the exception of being made up of their respective element.
The animentals are affected by spells which affect animals as well as spells that affect elementals of the appropriate type.
The material components are the priest's holy symbol, a bit of the element from which he desires to conjure the animental, and a tiny piece of the animal type he wishes to conjure.