Oeil de Set
Eye of Set * (C 5s; R 20yd/L; D Spe; A 1Crt; S Neg)
Ecole : (Nécromancie) / Sphere : ( Nécromantique / )

Niveau 4 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 20 yards per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée Special Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet One creature Sauvegarde Negates
Description : The target of this spell comes under the eye of Set and will become sick and slowly waste away. The target loses 1 point of Strength and Constitution per day and 1 HP per day. This cannot be healed. It stops when a remove curse is cast, which has 10% chance of curing per level of the caster while a heal always cures. After the remove curse or heal, lost hit points can be healed normally and lost Strength and Constitution points recover at a rate of one per day. The material component for this spell is an eye of a creature killed no longer than one hour before the spell is cast.