Berserker * (C 5s; R 0; D 1r/L; A 1beliver touched/L; S None)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Guerre / )

Niveau 3 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 round per level Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet One believer touched per level Sauvegarde None
Description : When this spell is cast, it invokes the priest's deity to instill battle madness upon his followers. This causes them to turn into berserkers. When in this state, they only attack enemies and not each other or their allies. In game terms, the effects of this state are that the warriors gain a large morale bonus (+60), a to-hit (+1) and damage (+2) bonus, and additional attacks per round (+½).
The major restriction for this spell is that the recipients of this spell must be true followers of the priest's god. Also, they will tend to fight until the spell finishes or there is a severe morale failure. The material component of this spell is a specimen of the priest's god's preferred weapon. This spell is used exclusively by warrior priests.