Protection contre Constriction
Protection from Constriction * (C 1s; R 30yd; D 1r/L; A 1Crt; S None)
Ecole : (Abjuration) / Sphere : ( Protection / )

Niveau 3 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 30 yards Composantes V, M
Durée 1 round per level Temps d'incantation 1 segment
Zone d'effet One creature Sauvegarde None
Description : When cast, a protection from constriction spell will mitigate crushing damage taken each round from a single attack form. Up to one hit point per level of the priest is deducted from crushing damage. Note that this does not mitigate damage from crushing weapons or falling; it will protect against constriction, bear hugs, Bigby's crushing hand, or any similar gradual compression. Example: a 6th level priest under the effect of this spell is hugged by an owlbear on three consecutive rounds for 3, 10, and 7 points of damage. Damage accrued over each round would be 0, 4, and 1 HP, respectively. The material component is a hard boiled egg anywhere on the spell recipient.