Revisitation * (C 3s; R 120yd+10yd/L; D Inst; A 1Crt; S Spe)
Ecole : (Invocation / Evocation) / Sphere : ( Loi / Vengeance )

Niveau 3 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 120 yards + 10 yards per level Composantes V, S, M
Durée Instantaneous Temps d'incantation 3 segments
Zone d'effet One creature Sauvegarde Special
Description : This spell is a magical implementation of the divine edict "an eye for an eye". A single revisitation can reproduce all or part of the damage that the priest has ever suffered at the hands of the target (priest's option), but any single injury may be revisited only once. The priest must name aloud all injuries he wants revisited on the target. Only those injuries suffered by the priest which went unredressed are eligible for revisitation.
If, for example, a bandit's surprise sword attack has blinded the priest, then the effect of revisitation will be to blind the bandit. If a dragon swoops down from the sky, breaths fire on a priest for 20 points of damage, and turns to fly away, then the spell would produce 20 points of damage on the dragon. However, if the same dragon was on the ground and breathed fire on the priest, and if the priest responded with a spiritual hammer attack, doing the dragon 4 HP of damage, then the breath weapon attack would be ineligible for revisitation purposes.
If this spell is used to revisit an injury which would be fatal to the target, then the target is allowed a saving throw versus death magic. Creatures making this saving throw take half damage and fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds.
This spell can be used as a cooperative magic spell. When two or more priests are available, the spell can be used to redress injuries received by third parties. One priest casts a zone of truth or true speak, and the other casts revisitation. At the crucial moment, the injured third party, under the effect of a truth spell, names the grievances to be redressed. The priest casting revisitation then repeats the list of injuries and the spell is completed.
The material component is the priest's holy symbol, and a balance or a part of a broken weapon.