Graine de Pierre
Stone Seeds * (C Spe; R 0; D 1mth; A 50yd lg sq/L; S None)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Terre élémentaire / Végétale )

Niveau 3 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 month Temps d'incantation Special
Zone d'effet 50 yard long square per level Sauvegarde None
Description : When stone seeds is cast, it causes plant seeds to become magically enchanted so as to enable them to grow in to solid stone. The seeds will grow at quadruple normal rate for 4 weeks. During this time the roots will grow down into the stone a distance of 1 inch per level of the priest in hard stone or 2 inches per level in soft stone. After this month (28 days) is over, the plants will grow normally. Thus they will require food, light, and sunlight if they are to continue growing after this point.
The effect of the plants growing into a stone structure are rather nasty, for it could remove around 10–90% of the structure's structural points, depending upon the thickness of the stone.
To cast this spell, the priest must mix a handful of seeds from whatever hardy plants are available (such as crabgrass, ivy, cactus, dandelion, etc.) with the seeds to be planted. This must be then mixed in a leather pouch with sapphire dust of not less than 50 gp value per 5 inch square area to be covered. The priest then "sows" the seeds as he casts the spell, with the seeds magically implanting themselves in the stone.
The spell takes 1 turn per 5 inch square area to be covered to cast.