Vent Brulant
Wind Burn * (C 5s; R 0; D Inst; A 75ft long cone; S 1/2)
Ecole : (Invocation / Evocation) / Sphere : ( Air élémentaire / Eau élémentaire )

Niveau 3 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S
Durée Instantaneous Temps d'incantation 5 segments
Zone d'effet 75 foot long cone Sauvegarde 1/2
Description : Despite the name of this spell, wind burn has nothing to do with fire. Upon casting, the priest causes an exceptionally dry cone of air to originate from his hand. The cone is 5 inches in diameter at its base, 25 feet in diameter at its end, and 75 feet long. All targets of the spell must save versus spell. Those who fail suffer 1d6 points of dehydration damage per level of the caster as well as a temporary loss of 1 point of Constitution (creatures without Constitution scores suffer a -1 penalty to Armour Class). A successful saving throw means half damage and no loss of Constitution. Creatures exceptionally susceptible to dehydration damage (for example, those from the elemental plane of water, plant creatures, or even aquatic creatures) suffer a -4 penalty to their saving throw. Constitution point loss is cumulative; that is to say, if a target of two of these spells fails to save against both it will suffer a -2 to its Constitution (if it survives the damage, of course). A character is dead if his Constitution reaches zero (for creatures without Constitution, use Hit Dice; thus, even if a 3 HD monster had enough hit points to survive failing to save 3 times, it would still die since 3-3=0).
Constitution points may only be restored by consumption of a full day's water requirement (use the Dark Sun rehydration rules; or simply 1 gallon per day for a human sized creature). This spell is cannot be cast under water.