Dehydration * (C 8s; R 0; D Perm; A Crt touched; S Neg)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Air élémentaire / )

Niveau 2 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S
Durée Permanent Temps d'incantation 8 segments
Zone d'effet Creature touched Sauvegarde Negates
Description : This spell will cause a creature successfully touched by the priest to lose nearly all water suspended in its body. An option for the priest is to use his waterskin, into which he may send the displaced water, filling the skin (but not overflowing). The priest must by holding the skin in one hand while touching the target for this to occur. Otherwise, the water is sent to the plane of water.
The effects on the target of this spell are that they take an extra 1d4 damage from slashing attacks, 1d6 from bludgeoning attacks, and no extra damage from piercing attacks. They cannot heal normally and must drink some water within 24 hours or die, and a few gallons to recover (I don't know the exact amount that the body holds). In addition if no water is received in 12 hours then there is a failure of the stomach system (alimentary canal, if you want to be technical) and the character must make a Constitution check to eat without vomiting, thus requiring a healing spell; or weeks of light, salty foods to try to heal naturally. Each failure lowers the character's Constitution for the next eating attempt, if the adjusted Constitution goes to zero then that character may not eat until cured. There is also a chance of chronic diarrhoea setting in if not given water within 12 hours (make a Constitution check) whereupon then the character's Constitution is reduced by two for a week after a normal diet has returned.
This spell will not affect creatures without non negligible water contents, this being DM's discretion. Magical water creatures are allowed two saving throws, the first a regular saving throw, then, if failed, an additional saving throw versus death magic. If both fail, the creature is killed (this spell could kill a nereid).