Envie de Pisser de Nilrem
Nilrem's Overflowing Kidneys * (C 2r; R 0; D 5r/L; A Crt touched; S None)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Création / )

Niveau 2 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 5 rounds Temps d'incantation 2 rounds
Zone d'effet Creature touched Sauvegarde None
Description : The Magic of Nilrem is a series of humorous spells made in AD&D 2nd edition format. They aren't intended for game use, but if a DM has a real sense of humour, pertinent game information is included.
When a wizard casts Nilrem's overflowing kidneys, the affected creature begins to get the urge to relieve itself. This urge builds considerably until becoming overwhelming by the fifth round when the creature has no choice but to relieve itself. The effect of this spell is twofold since the creature, while under the spell's influence, is unable to make completely effective manoeuvres. The creature receives a -2 penalty to Dexterity, -1 for each round until relieved and is unable to cast spells because of the considerable strain necessary to keep itself from answering nature's call. The material component of this spell is a container (goblet, chalice, etc.) of at least 100 gp in value filled with water that must be splashed on the creature during casting.