Stone Message * (C 1r; R Spe; D 1min; A Spe; S None)
Ecole : (Invocation / Evocation) / Sphere : ( Divination / Terre élémentaire )

Niveau 2 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée Special Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 minute Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet Special Sauvegarde None
Description : The priest casts this spell directly into the prism on his holy symbol (this spell was created for a deity whose symbol is a hand grasping a prism). The priest then names (not by truename) the person he wants to talk to. If this target person is within 10 yards of a holy symbol to the same deity (thus that holy symbol also has a prism in it), then the target person will notice that the prism flashes. Only the target person will notice the flashes of light. When the target person touches the holy symbol, the prism will show the face of the priest, and the priest's prism will show the face of the target person. The priest can then talk into his prism and hold a short conversation with the target person.
If the target person is not within 10 yards of a specified holy symbol, the priest will feel like the spell was a dud. The spell will wait one minute for the person answer. If the person did not answer, the priest will know that the person did not answer.
Idle chatter is not being appreciated by the deity (noise pollution on his holy waves). Quick conversations are appreciated. There is also a 5% chance that someone or something associated with the deity (one of his priests or minions) will notice and remember the conversation. This does not mean the priest or minion will do anything, just that others may be listening in.
The material components for this spell are the two needed holy symbols, and are obviously not consumed in the casting.