Chronométreur de Ulula
Ulula's Timekeeper * (C 3s; R 0; D 1wk; A 1Pers; S None)
Ecole : (Divination) / Sphere : ( Temps / )

Niveau 2 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, M
Durée 1 week Temps d'incantation 3 segments
Zone d'effet One person Sauvegarde None
Description : The material components for this spell are a blessed slowed hourglass, a 6 inch piece of string and a 1?1 inch piece of grass, leather or paper called binding. The character that the spell is being cast upon must, while the spell is being cast, tie 5 knots into the string and bind the string to the hourglass with the binding. Upon successful completion the binding disappears. The string disintegrates at a rate of 1 knot per day.
The character that the spell has been cast on will know the time, within an hour, by looking at the hourglass. If the character should lose either the string or the hourglass, the spell will be broken.
Due to the intense concentration involved it is recommended that the character is not be submitted to the spell more than twice a month.