Unentangle * (C 3s; R 0; D 1t/L; A 1Pers/2L; S Spe)
Ecole : (Altération) / Sphere : ( Végétale / )

Niveau 2 Livre Net Book 6th
Portée 0 Composantes V, S, M
Durée 1 turn per level Temps d'incantation 3 segments
Zone d'effet One person touched per 2 level Sauvegarde Special
Description : Unentangle is used to allow creatures to pass through the area of effect of an entangle spell cast by the same priest. If the spell is used to attempt to pass another priest's entangle spell, the effects are as follows: normal movement can take place if a saving throw versus spell is made, half normal movement if the saving throw fails.
This spell also allows normal movement through the densest of forests, briar thickets, wall of thorns, etc. The material component of this spell is a small edged weapon, which is consumed in the spell.