Warband Quest
Warband Quest * (C 1r; R 240yds; D Spe; A 200Crt; S Neg)
Ecole : (Enchantement / Charme) / Sphere : ( Charme / Guerre )

Niveau 8 Livre Recueil de Magie
Portée 240 yards Composantes V, S, M
Durée Special Temps d'incantation 1 round
Zone d'effet 200 creatures Sauvegarde Neg
Description : A priest may cast warband quest on any group of 200 creatures who are capable of understanding his commands. The creatures are then affected in a manner similar to the 5th-level priest spell, quest. Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw with a -4 penalty to avoid the effects.
The specified quest must be related to the reason that the Power granted this spell (perhaps a quest to slay or overcome a specified enemy).
Warband quest gives subjects of the spell a bonus of 2 hp per level of the caster (maximum 20 hp). Subjects also gain the effects of a prayer spell and have Morale of 18 while on the quest. These benefits last for the duration of the spell; the spell ends when the specified task is completed. A creature who abandons the quest is subject to the wrath of his deity.