Finlandais TUONETAR (goddess of the underworld)
(Greater god)

Armor class : 6
Move : 9"
Hit points : 340
No. of attacks : 1
Damage/attaque : 4-40
Special attacks : Nil
Special defenses : Fear aura
Magic resistance : 70%
Size : M (5')
Alignment : Chaotic Mauvais
Worshiper alignment : Chaotic evil
Symbol : Decapitated head
Plane : Pandemonium
Cleric/Druid : 15th level cleric
Fighter : Nil
Magic-user/illusionist : 20th level in each
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : 5th levet bard
Psionic ability : II
S : 15 I : 18 W : 21 D : 17 C : 25 Ch : -6

The wife of Tuoni, Tuonetar appears to the world as an incredibly ugly old crone. Any creature that comes within 30' of her must save vs. spells or be affected by her fear aura, fleeing until exhaustion sets in. Tuonetor's merest touch inflicts 4-40 points of damage. She is an implacable enemy of Vainamoinen.