Panthéon choisi : Nordique (32 enregistrements)

Nordique's Mythology

NomImageTypeAlignement /WorshiperSymbolPlane
ODIN "ALL FATHER" (supreme ruler of the gods)Greater godNeutre Bon : WHP : Good and neutral beingsWatching blue eyeGladsheim (Valhalla)
BALDER (god of beauty, "charisma")Greater godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral goodGem-encrusted silver chaliceGladsheim
IDUN (goddess of spring and eternal youth)Greater godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic good and all farmersApples in a wicker chestGladsheim
MAGNI (god of strength)Greater godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic goodMountain Gladsheim
MODI (god of courage and berserk rage)Greater godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic goodSword and hammer crossedGladsheim
SIF (goddess of excellence and skill in battle)Greater godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic goodSword upraisedGladsheim
SURTUR (lord of the fire giants)Greater godLoyal Mauvais : WHP : Lawful evil (fire giants)Flaming swordGladsheim (Jotunheim)
THRYM (lord of the frost giants)Greater godChaotic Mauvais : WHP : Chaotic evil (frost giants)White double-bladed axeGladsheim (Jotunheim)
ULLER (god of hunting, archery and winter)Greater godChaotic Neutre : WHP : Chaotic neutralLongbowGladsheim
VIDAR (god of strength and silence)Greater godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic goodIron shoeGladsheim
AEGIR (god of storms and the sea)Lesser godChaotic Neutre : WHP : Chaotic neutralRough ocean waves Gladsheim
BRAGI (god of poetry, eloquence, and song)Lesser godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral good and all bard typesHarpElysium
FORSETI (god of justice) "Peacemaker"Lesser godLoyal Bon : WHP : Lawful goodThe head of a bearded manGladsheim
FREY (god of sunshine & the elves)Lesser godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral goodIce-blue two-handed swordGladsheim
FREYA (goddess of love and fertility)Lesser godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral good and all loversFalconGladsheim
HEL (goddess of death)Lesser godNeutre Mauvais : WHP : All alignments Her faceHades
LOKI (god of mischief, strife and fire)Lesser godChaotic Mauvais : WHP : Chaotic evilFlamePandemonium or Gladsheim
THOR (god of thunder)Lesser godChaotic Bon : WHP : All alignments, especially warriors, beings needing certain weather, or ones wonting fair playHammerGladsheim
TYR (god of war and law)Lesser godLoyal Bon : WHP : All warriorsSwordGladsheim
FJALAR (dwarven hero of the Durin race)HeroeNeutre Absolu
Skirnir (Frey's shield-man)HeroeNeutre Bon
NORNS (the fates)HeroeNeutre Absolu : WHP : NoneLightning boltConcordant Opposition
VALKYRIES "Choosers of the Slain"HeroeChaotic Neutre
Freke and Gere (Odin's wolves)MonsterNeutre Absolu
Hugin and Munin (Odin's ravens) "Thought & Memory"MonsterNeutre Absolu
Sleipner (Odin's eight-legged steed)MonsterLoyal Neutre
FENRIS WOLF MonsterChaotic Mauvais
FOSSERGRIM (enchanted being)MonsterNeutre Absolu
Blodug-Hofi (Frey's horse)MonsterNeutre Absolu
MonsterNeutre Absolu
JORMUNGANDR (Midgard Serpent)MonsterChaotic Mauvais
Tanngrisner et Tanngjost (Thor's goats)MonsterNeutre Absolu