Worm (Mystara), Leviathan, Desert [1109]

Climat/Terrain Desert
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Très rare
Diète Omnivore
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 0 - Non intelligent ou non mesurable
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1
Classe d'armure 2
Mouvement Au sol :
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement : 24"
Web :
Dés de vie 60
Thac0 1
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques 3-12 (bite)
Attaques spéciales Swallow
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille G - gargantuan ( 25+' )
(500’ long)
Morale 19-20 - Sans peur
Valeur en XP 20000 xp

Commentaires : Mystara is home to several types of crawling, invertebrate monsters that resemble great caterpillars or earthworms.
Combat : Leviathans are among the mightiest creatures living on the Prime Material Plane. Travelers who meet a leviathan seldom live to tell the tale. Desert leviathans have pale brown hides that match their sandy environments; they can grow to be 500 feet long and 40 feet wide. Marine leviathans are longer and sleeker than their desert cousins, reaching lengths of 650 feet. Desert leviathans are eyeless and blind, but marine leviathans have huge eyes adapted for the gloom of the depths.
Leviathans are sensitive to vibrations in sand or water and generally attack any sizable creature moving witbin a quarter mile of their location. When closing on its prey, a desert leviathan creates a ripple in the sand, like a huge ocean wave. A marine leviathan moving near the surface also creates a visible wave.
A leviathan attacks by simply engulfing a large volume of sand or water. A desert leviathan can take in a 30-foot cube of sand, a marine leviathan a 50-foot cube of water. Any creature within this area must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon (with a -4 penalty to the roll) or be swallowed. Immobile creatures (held, bound, sleeping, etc.) get no saving throw. Victims who fail the saving throw are sucked into the creature’s maw, where they suffer bite damage (3d12 from a desert leviathan, 4d10 from a marine leviathan) and 4d12 points of damage from the creature’s digestive tract; if the victim is resistant to acid, damage is reduced to 2d12.
As long as they are alive and mobile, swallowed victims can try to cut their way out with slashing (type S) weapons. A leviathan’s internal Armor Class is 5, and the victims must inflict 50 points of damage to cut their way out. The victims suffer the same combat penalties as victims of great annelids. If a leviathan hasn’t digested a swallowed creature within one turn, it expels the item before returning to the depths.
Leviathans are immune to poison and disintegration and take half damage from all attacks, including psionics and spells. They are immune to all spells, magical effects, and psionic abilities that do not inflict damage.
A marine leviathan can create a huge whirlpool by swimming in a great circle, head to tail, for three rounds. The resulting vortex is 100 feet wide at the top, 200 feet deep, and 50 feet wide at the bottom. Anything caught in it is drawn down to the waiting leviathan. The vortex lasts while the leviathan swims and for one round thereafter.