Paraelemental, Ooze [1251]

Climat/Terrain Paraplane of Ooze
Organisation Band
Fréquence Peu commun
Diète Any solid
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 13-14 - Hautement intelligent
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-6
Classe d'armure 0
Mouvement Au sol : 36"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 8, 12, or 16
Thac0 8 HD: 13 12 HD: 9 16 HD: 5
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques 2-16
Attaques spéciales Multiple tendrils
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille L - larger than man-sized ( 7+' to 12' )
(8-16’ tall)
Morale 15-16 - Champion
Valeur en XP 8 HD: 3,000 xp
12 HD: 7,000 xp
16 HD: 11,000 xp

Commentaires : Between the Elemental Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water lie four others – the Paraelemental Planes – that represent different combinations of those elements. And whereas the Elemental Planes spawn elementals, the Paraelemental Planes create, naturally enough, paraelementals – creatures that embody the natures of Ice, Magma, Ooze, and Smoke. The four kinds of paraelementals are
generally regarded as slightly less powerful than elementals, yet still mightier than quasielementals (though plenty of inner-planar scholars dispute such rankings). Due to the nature of their home planes – which are, more or less, mixtures of two elements – parelementals’re often thought to exhibit dual characters, though this manifests Itself in different ways.
By and large, paraelementals help to sustain themselves by consuming their opposites. In other words, ice paraelementals drain warmth, smoke paraelementals ingest air, and so on. This strikes some as a bit odd – why wouldn’t an ice creature keep itself alive by surrounding itself with cold? But that’s the wrong kind of question, and the Rule of Threes explains why. First of all, paraelementals won’t starve to death if they don’t consume their opposites; after all, they’re just spirits that shape bodies for themselves out of the substance of their home plane. Second, the paraplanes don’t have much of their opposites, anyway – there just ain’t a lot of warmth on Ice. And third, the paraelementals don’t actually eat their opposites; rather, they gain sustenance from the sheer act of converting it. Thus, an ice paraelemental relishes draining away the heat of a fire, not consuming the actual warmth itself.
Many paraelementals aren’t too smart, but those with better than low Intelligence usually prefer to communicate in their own language.

Called the mud elemental by some among the Clueless, this creature is a liquid mass of dark, writhing tendrils. Its malleable form allows it to squeeze through small openings and even under the cracks of doors.
Combat : The ooze paraelemental attacks by grappling with its tendrils and constricting its foes. A hit by the creature indicates that a tendril wraps around a sod and constricts him, causing 2d8 points of damage each round until the victim or the paraelemental dies (or until the paraelemental decides to call off the attack for some reason). While it constricts one foe, it can send out other tendrils to enwrap – and constrict – further victims with no limit, except that the creature can make only one new attack each round. Constricted sods can still make attacks and perform other actions, though they do so with a -2 penalty. ’Course, they can’t flee unless they break free of the paraelemental’s tendrils by succeeding at a bend bars roll.
The magical nature of an ooze paraelemental makes it immune to ordinary weapons; the creature can be struck only by those of +1 or greater enchantment. What’s more, fire- and cold-based attacks inflict only half their normal damage. On the other hand, a transmute mud to rock spell (the reverse of transmute rock to mud) petrifies the paraelemental if it fails its saving throw.
Habitat / Société : A number of powerful, highly intelligent ooze paraelementals vie for control of their paraplane, though some ooze mephits or other usually claims dominion over them all (and is roundly ignored). Ooze paraelementals despise both ooze mephits and ooze sprites. Some say that they despise themselves as well, perhaps because of their own revolting nature.
Ecologie : Ooze paraelementals subsist upon the act of crushing and eventually liquefying solid objects. This process takes many hours.