Ooze/Slime/Jelly, Mustard Jelly [1317]

Climat/Terrain Any subterranean
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Rare
Diète Charognard
Cycle d'activité Night
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor See below
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1
Classe d'armure 4
Mouvement Au sol : 9''
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 7+14
Thac0 13
Nbre d'attaques 1 or 2
Dommage / attaques 5-20
Attaques spéciales See below
Défenses spéciales +1 or better weapon to hit
Résistance à la magie 10%
Taille L - larger than man-sized ( 7+' to 12' )
(9-12’ diam.)
Morale 13-14 - Elite
Valeur en XP 4000 xp (1/2 if half slain)

Commentaires : There are many different varieties of ooze, slime, and jelly. More are being discovered all the time, as warped wizards seek to create life or fashion efficient dungeon scavengers. The unifying feature of these creatures is a dissolving touch that consumes flesh as well as weapons and armor.
Combat : Mustard jelly originated when a young wizard attempted to polymorph herself into an ochre jelly. Her spell failed, and she became a mustard jelly. The stuff has multiplied rapidly in the years since her accident, and it is now a serious threat in many areas.
The monstrous amoeboid mustard jelly is far more dangerous than the ochre jelly. Mustard jelly is translucent, and very hard to see until it attacks. The only clue to its presence is a faint odor, similar to blooming mustard plants. Once it does attack, it may be seen as yellowish brown in color.
Normally, mustard jelly attacks by forming an acidic pseudopod of its own substance and thrusting. The jelly monster secretes a vapor over a 10-foot radius. Those near the jelly must roll a saving throw vs. poison each round. Those who fail the saving throw become lethargic and move at half-normal speed, due to the effects of the vapor. The toxic effects last for two rounds and they are cumulative.
This large creature can divide itself at will into two smaller, faster halves (movement rate 18). Each is capable of attacking, but has only half the hit points the creature had before dividing. A mustard jelly can, for example, flow into a room, divide itself into independent halves to attack, and then reform into a torus in order to surround a pillar its prey has climbed. Unlike the ochre jelly, mustard jelly cannot move through tiny spaces, nor can it move along ceilings, although it will eat through wooden doors. It cannot climb walls either, and so most of its bulk must remain on the floor, stretching up only 4 or 5 feet.
Although intelligent, mustard jelly is not known to value treasure of any sort, except as a lure for greedy adventurers. Of course, it is possible that some treasure might remain after a victim has been devoured.
Mustard jelly is impervious to normal weapons (and can eat wooden ones) and electrical attacks. A magic missile spell will only cause it to grow; mustard jelly gains hit points equal in number to the damage rolled. Cold causes only half damage, and other attacks have normal effects.