Mephit, Smoke [153]

Climat/Terrain Any
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Commun
Diète Special
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-10
Classe d'armure 4
Mouvement Au sol : 12''
Vol : 24'' - Classe de vol : B
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 3
Thac0 17
Nbre d'attaques 2
Dommage / attaques 1-2/1-2
Attaques spéciales See below
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(5’ tall)
Morale 8-10 - Moyen
Valeur en XP 420 xp

Commentaires : Smoke mephits are crude and lazy. They spend most of their time sitting around invisible, smoking pipeweed, telling bad jokes about their creators, and generally shirking their responsibilities.
Combat : A smoke mephit’s two clawed hands cause 1d2 damage each. Its breath weapon consists of a sooty ball usable every other melee round, an unlimited number of times per day. This sooty hall automatically strikes one creature of the mephit’s choice within 20’ (1d4 damage and blinded for 1-2 rounds), no saving throw.

Smoke mephits can cast invisibility and dancing lights once each per day. Once per hour, they can attempt to gate in 1-2 other mephits, fire, magma, smoke, or steam. If two rnephits arrive, they are the same type.

Contact with any kind of smoke lets a smoke mephit regenerate 1 hp per turn. When a smoke mephit dies, it disappears in a flash of flame. This flash causes 1 hp damage to all creatures within 10’.
Ecologie : Lower-planar beings traditionally dispatch a smoke mephit as a gift to enemies, a gesture of insolence and contempt that amounts to a declaration of vendetta.