Mephit, Salt [1560]

Climat/Terrain Any
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Commun
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor N
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-10
Classe d'armure 5
Mouvement Au sol : 12''
Vol : 24" - Classe de vol : B
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 3
Thac0 17
Nbre d'attaques 2
Dommage / attaques 1-3/1-3 + stun
Attaques spéciales See below
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(5’ tall)
Morale 8-10 - Moyen
Valeur en XP 420 xp

Commentaires : Salt mephits look like grainy white humanoids with wings made of cubical white crystals. They have large red eyes and gaping, grinning mouths. They have no odor unless they get wet, which causes them excruciating pain and makes them smell briny. The sarcastic and acidulous wit of salt mephits lowers their life expectancy dramatically.
Combat : Salt mephits attack with two claws (1d3 damage each); if any claw damage penetrates armor, the pain of the salted wound requires a save vs. petrification or the victim is stunned for 1-2 rounds. Similarly, the salt mephit’s breath weapon is a shower of salt crystals against a single enemy within 15’ (damage 1d4, save vs. petrification or be stunned 1-2 rounds).
Once per day a salt mephit can taunt (as the 1st-level wizard spell); this taunting can be made to originate within 10 yards of the mephit. A salt mephit can contaminate any amount of water up to a barrel by touch, turning it into undrinkable brine.
Once per hour a salt mephit can attempt to gate in another salt mephit. Salt mephits are immune to fire and heat damage of all kinds, but take maximum damage from liquid-based attacks, and even ordinary water does 1 hp damage per round of contact. They regenerate 1 hp per turn automatically, as long as they stay dry.
Habitat / Société : Spellcasters who deliver a nasty, foulmouthed salt mephit to an enemy thereby declare open warfare.