Human (Athas), Ex-slave [1686]

Climat/Terrain Any land
Organisation Tribe
Fréquence Commun
Diète Omnivore
Cycle d'activité Day
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 4-24
Classe d'armure 8
Mouvement Au sol : 12''
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 2+2
Thac0 19
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques By weapon
Attaques spéciales Nil
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(6’ tall)
Morale 11-12 - Stable
Valeur en XP 35 xp

Commentaires : Slavery is an integral part of the Athasian culture and crucial to the continuing economic success of the cities and villages of Athas. Slaves do most of the physical work, from common labor, such as fixing a wagon wheel, to more creative labor, such as the arts, that most freeman appreciate but view the creation as beneath them. Though slavery has become so important to the freeman, it doesn’t mean these indentured individuals are well-treated. Many slaves would rather take their chances in the barren wilds than continue in the servitude of their often cruel masters. Most ex-slaves either die from dehydration or starvation or find their way to one of the hundreds of slave tribes inhabiting the Athasian wilds.
Combat : The slave tribes include individuals with many diverse skills. Most, however, have been trained in the basics of combat The weapons used are as diverse as their skills Each ex-slave is likely to have the following weapons:
Damage (S-M/L)
Obsidian-tipped spear
Obsidian long sword
Bone battle axe
For every 10 ex-slaves encountered, there is one 5th level fighter with AC7, THAC0 16, and a 50% chance of minimal psionics (as 1st level psionicist) that acts as their sergeant. In addition to standard weapons, the sergeant carries 1-6 (1d6) throwing spears. For every 50 slaves there is also a 7th level gladiator with AC 5, THAC0 14, and with a dejada (1d8/1d6, The Complete Gladiators Handbook) in addition to any two of the above weapons. In tribes of 100 or more, there is one 10th level gladiator with AC 3, THAC0 11, and a 75% chance of possessing a psionic wild talent. This individual is the general or chief of the tribe. There is also a 75% chance of the tribe having an 8th level preserver with AC 8. THAC0 18, and Dmg 1-6 (staff), and an 8th level psionicist with AC 8 and THAC0 16.
Habitat / Société : The slave-tribes are likely to have completely different cultures. Some tribes survive by farming and hunting in villages of 50-500 people. Others raid nearby villages and cities in bands of 4-24 raiders. Yet others sell their services to local cities and towns for food and equipment. Their hierarchy can be rigid with strict codes of conduct or they can be less structured with a more democratic system of politics. However, they all share the goal to survive and prosper in spite of the harsh environments they are often forced to inhabit.
Slave tribe leaders usually have a military background. Some have been soldier-slaves, and others, gladiators. Ex-slaves are drawn to the natural leadership ability of such military types. These leaders usually possess both combat ability and strategic military thinking. If the tribe starts to falter or enters long-term hardship as a result of poor leadership, the general will probably be challenged by another powerful military type. Assuming such combat is not to the death (a giant leap of faith in these often savage tribes) a chief so deposed does not remain with the tribe, but takes his chances alone in the wilderness.
There are few hard and fast laws that govern all slave tribes. Slave tribes relish their freedom. Slaves tend to live for the moment, taking enjoyment and pleasure where they can find it. They are known to have feasts as frequently as the cruel geography allows a bountiful harvest, hunt, or raid. Though they might appear a little carefree by Athasian standards, they are ever watchful of those who would take their freedom away. Trust is given only to those individuals who have earned that trust. Strangers wandering into a tribal village are either killed immediately or taken captive and killed later.
One attribute that tribes share is that individuals sublimate their own wants and desires to achieve the greater good of the tribe. Individuals not adhering to this code damage the tribe’s ability to survive and are punished or cast from the tribe, depending on the severity of the offense.
Most tribes share a common method of settling disputes. Since the leadership of all tribes has its roots firmly entrenched in military thinking, most disputes are settled with swords and fists.