Human (Athas), Ex-gladiator [1689]

Climat/Terrain Any land
Organisation Tribe
Fréquence Peu commun
Diète Omnivore
Cycle d'activité Day
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 2-8
Classe d'armure 6
Mouvement Au sol : 12''
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 5
Thac0 16
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques By weapon
Attaques spéciales See below
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(6’ tall)
Morale 15-16 - Champion
Valeur en XP 35 xp

Commentaires : The gladiatorial arena is the premier form of entertainment on Athas. Some gladiators are slaves, others have been bred and trained for the purpose, and a few do so as a personal choice. Regardless of the reason they are there, the survivors are frequently pampered and provided for. As a result, the standard of living for gladiators is far higher than that of the average Athasian. Yet it is not uncommon for long-term survivors of the arena to grow bored or even contemptuous of the senseless brutality and lack of purpose behind these contests. Many gladiators to escape their lives in the hopes of finding some higher purpose to their existence.
Combat : Ex-gladiators are among the most talented and skilled warriors on Athas. Their training goes far beyond the skills of weapon and fist. They have been trained in all aspects of combat. Ex-gladiators generally use the tools of the arena in combat though they can use any weapon and suffer no penalties. Weapons of choice to ex-gladiators include any two of the following:

Weapon1d12Damage (S-M/L)
Double-bladed spear5-61d8/1d8
Wrist razor11-121d6+1/1d4+1

Any attack made by ex-gladiators with weapons of their choice is made at +1 because of the skill attained in the many combats fought in the ring.
In unarmed combat gladiators gain a +4 bonus to all punching and wrestling attack rolls. This bonus can be used as a plus or a minus after the attack roll is made. Consult the Player’s Handbook punching and wrestling tables before making this decision.
Ex-gladiators frequenty resort to dirty tricks to give themselves an edge. The type of trick varies from individual to individual. Some may throw sand in their opponent’s face, while others may feign injury more severe than actually incurred. A successful dirty trick allows ex-gladiators to accomplish things otherwise not possible against more attentive opponents. Opponents must make a successful Wisdom check at -2 or fall for the ruse. If successful, the trick allows gladiators a +l to initiative, attack, or damage, or it allows a -1 to be applied to their opponent for any of the aforementioned. For each successive trick attempted against the same opponent, the Wisdom check is made at a cumulative +2.
Ex-gladiators have learned to identify the weaknesses of their foes. A roll of 10 or less on a 1d20 allows gladiators to identify their target’s weakness, whether it be in an awkward fighting style, damaged armor, or some other reason. For one round only, ex-gladiators can make a called shot (+1 initiative, -4 to attack) and if successful, all damage that round is doubled. After that round, most intelligent creatures mask that weakness from exposure. It is possible, however, that multiple gladiators attacking one opponent could exploit the weakness several times at the DM’s discretion.
Leather armor is one of the most readily available forms of protection, so ex-gladiators usually wear it. The armor, along with their quickness in combat, provides them with AC 7. Ex-gladiators have learned to maximize the effectiveness of their armor. By moving and dodging the impact of weapons, they can lower their AC by 1 full point.
Habitat / Société : A gladiator’s life is combat. It is not just a way of life for these warriors, it is an art form. They are interested in all forms of combat and war and study the styles and forms of any effective warrior. They are also intrigued by new weapons and spend hours practicing with them to become proficient. Ex-gladiators’ fascination for combat goes far beyond man-to-man fighting. They also have a deep respect for the tactics and strategies involved in warfare. It is frequently this desire for something more and grander that leads gladiators to flee the arena. Ex-gladiators tend to seek some purpose to which they can apply their greatly honed skills. It is common to find these individuals performing pivotal roles in the slave tribes and villages of Athas.