Snake, Poison (Normal) [182]

Climat/Terrain Any land
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Peu commun
Diète Carnivore
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 1 - Intelligence animale
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-6
Classe d'armure 6
Mouvement Au sol : 15"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 2+1
Thac0 19
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques 1
Attaques spéciales Poison
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille S - smaller than a typical human ( 2+' to 4' )
(5’ long)
Morale 8-10 - Moyen
Valeur en XP 175 xp
Elder : 420 xp
Jaculi : 270 xp

Commentaires : Snakes are long, slender reptiles that can be found anywhere in the entire world, even in the coldest arctic regions.

There are basically two types of snakes, in all manner of sizes. The poisonous snakes make up for their relatively smaller size with deadly venoms, while the larger constrictors squeeze their victims to death. Both types sleep for days after eating. All snakes shed their skin several times each year.

Snakes fear fire and will retreat from open flames, suffering a -6 morale modifier when flames are used against them.

All poisonous snakes deliver toxins automatically through their bite. Roll on the table below (or choose) to determine what type of poison is present.

d20 RollModifier to SaveOnset TimeResult of Failed Saving Throw*
1-4+31-4 turnsIncapacitated for 2-8 days
5-6+22-5 roundsDeath
7-11+12-12 rounds2-8 points of damage
12-14None1-6 rounds3-12 points of damage
15-17-12-8 roundsIncapacitated for 1-4 days
18-19-21-4 roundsIncapacitated for 1-12 days
20-31 roundDeath

* A successful saving throw means no damage.

Typical varieties of poisonous snakes include the asp, cobra, copperhead, coral snake, death adder, krait, mamba, puff adder, rattlesnake, sidewinder, and water moccasin.

Some cobras and sidewinders hunt by night and can track warmblooded prey by body heat as well as by sight. They have the equivalent of 30-foot infravision. Black mambas are the fastest known snakes and can reach MR 30 across open ground.