Golem (Savage Coast), Aelder (lesser golem) [187]

Climat/Terrain Mountains
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Rare
Diète Rien
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 5-7 - Intelligence basse
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 2
Classe d'armure 3
Mouvement Au sol : 18"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 9 (60 hp)
Thac0 11
Nbre d'attaques 2
Dommage / attaques 2-12/2-12
Attaques spéciales Spells
Défenses spéciales Near invisibility, spell immunities
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille L - larger than man-sized ( 7+' to 12' )
(8’ tall)
Morale 19-20 - Sans peur
Valeur en XP 2000 xp

Commentaires : The Savage Coast offers some unique variations on the standard golem design, in both form and material. Standard golems are slowly giving way to the new forms.

The ee’aar build these glassteel golems for the express purpose of guarding sacred burial places up in the high mountains. Only ee’aar priests can create them, and they are always constructed in pairs.

An aelder golem can be created in any of a dozen different forms – including a spider, centaur, serpent, and gargoyle. The most common form chosen is a tall, slender spider. The eight segmented legs of this aelder rise 10 feet from the ground before slanting back down three feet to support the multifaceted body. The two forward legs end in pointed, serrated segments. Two spinnerets extend from the rear of the spider body.

Within the icy mountain reaches where the ee’aar make burial sites, the aelder golem is nearly impossible to see. Ranged attacks beyond 20 feet are impossible, and even up close, all opponents suffer a -2 penalty on anything but melee attacks. An aelder attacks with the end segments of its front legs, which act as piercing weapons and can strike targets up to 10 feet away.

Aelder are immune to any spells or spell effects which employ light or a gaze. These golems can invoke each of the spells color spray, dancing lights, and hypnotic pattern three times per day.

The spider golem can actually spin a web of glassteel, which is either applied thickly for concealment or spun so fine and brittle that it is essentially invisible. Attempting to walk through this web shatters it, alerting the aelder of intruders.

Aelder communicate with the ee’aar through a series of shrieks and screeches translatable only by priests. Mythuínn folk are allowed to hide in aelder webs from predators, so long as they do not try to venture farther into the burial site.