Golden Ammonite, Dragon Variety [2179]

Climat/Terrain Ocean depths
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Très rare
Diète Charognard
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 2-4 - Semi intelligence
Trésor Special (shell)
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-3
Classe d'armure 2/8
Mouvement Au sol : 1"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 8+3
Thac0 11
Nbre d'attaques 10
Dommage / attaques 1-4(x10)
Attaques spéciales Blinding, constriction
Défenses spéciales Immune to psionics
Résistance à la magie 90%
Taille L - larger than man-sized ( 7+' to 12' )
(6-8’ shell diameter; 12’ tentacles)
Morale 15-16 - Champion
Valeur en XP 6000 xp

Commentaires : The legendary golden ammonites are sea-dwelling octopoids that live in great coiled shells like hermit crabs. The body and tentacles of a golden ammonite are dark brown with spots of black. The shell, however, is made of pure, solid gold; each weighs between 1,200 and 1,800 pounds. So rare and beautiful are the shells that they can be sold for up to 150,000 gp each, if a buyer who can afford one can be found.
A golden ammonite has two great multifaceted eyes on either side of its body that project just beyond the rim of its golden shell. While most of its soft body is protected, the creature has 10 tentacles it can use to drag itself slowly across the ocean floor.
The golden ammonites do not speak or communicate by sound. They may have some type of tentacle sign language, though no one has proven this.
Combat : The ammonite discourages close approach by its magical ability to project lightballs from its faceted eyes. Each eye can fire one lightball per round, to a distance of 90 feet. The eyes rotate independently (much like a chameleon’s) and each can thus target a creature in any direction as long as the line of sight is not physically blocked.
The casting of a lightball may look at first like the casting of a fireball – a small ball of light, one foot in diameter, is sent streaking toward a target (but, of course, a fireball is impossible underwater). Each target creature must make a successful saving throw vs. spell, with Dexterity adjustments if applicable. Failure means the victim is struck in the face by the lightball and blinded as if by a continual light spell. The lightball can be removed only by a dispel magic from a caster of at least 12th levell, or by a wish.
Golden ammonites are immune to all psionic attacks, though they are susceptible to ESP.
If attacked physically, these creatures are 50% likely to fight with their tentacles and 50% likely to crawl back into their shells and seal themselves up. When sealed up, the golden ammonite has Armor Class 2 all around.
Physical attacks on an ammonite that is not sealed up are 50% likely to hit the shell (AC 2), 45% likely to strike the soft body or tentacles (AC 8), and 5% likely to hit one of the two large eyes (AC 2). Any damage to an eye destroys it instantly, and the creature immediately withdraws into its shell for 4d6 turns. Attacks that strike the shell reduce its value by 1,000 gp per point of damage inflicted, to a minimum value of 15,000 gp for the shattered pieces of an entire shell.
A golden ammonite that fights with its tentacles can make up to 10 attacks. Once an opponent is hit by one or more tentacles, the tentacles constrict for 1d4 points of damage each round until the foe is dead, or until the golden ammonite has been slain or driven back into its shell. The creature is reputed to direct its attacks with some intelligence.
A single blow with an edged weapon that inflicts 8 or more points of damage, or an attack roll of a natural 20, will sever a tentacle. The golden ammonite can regrow severed tentacles completely in a few weeks.
Habitat / Société : The golden ammonite is found only in the deepest marine canyons, at depths below 1,000 feet, in the coldest and darkest regions of the sea. It moves slowly about the ocean floor, grazing on whatever food it can find. The ammonite collects no treasure or property.
Now and then, an Eye of the Deep will be found with these creatures (76% chance). When this occurs, the beholder-kin apparently acts as an ally, for the golden ammonite does not attack it in any way.
Ecologie : No golden ammonite shell has ever been found empty; it is believed that these creatures may have a lifespan of thousands of years. The origin of the ammonite’s golden shell is as obscure as the details of its day-to-day existence. All that can be said is that it slowly makes its way through its undersea world and most natural predators seem to leave it alone.