Animal, Domestic (Athas), Mekillot [247]

Climat/Terrain Tablelands/Hinterlands
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Rare
Diète Omnivore
Cycle d'activité Day
Intelligence 1 - Intelligence animale
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1 or 2
Classe d'armure 7 (9)
Mouvement Au sol : 9"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 11
Thac0 9
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques 1-8
Attaques spéciales Swallow, crush
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille G - gargantuan ( 25+' )
(30’ long)
Morale 11-12 - Stable
Valeur en XP 6000 xp

Commentaires : Mekillots are mighty lizards weighing up to six tons. They have huge, mound-shaped bodies growing to lengths of 30 feet. A thick shell covers the back and head of a mekillot, providing protection from the sun and good defense (AC 7) against attacks. Its underside has a softer shell that’s more vulnerable to damage (AC 9).

Mekillots have savage dispositions, but their size and great strength make them excellent caravan beasts. A hitched pair of mekillots can pull a wagon weighing up to 20 tons at a slow, plodding pace. Caravan leaders must be prepared for their unpredictable natures, however. As they can never be truly tamed, the stubborn creatures have been known to turn off the road and go wandering for no apparent reason-still drawing their loaded wagons. Mekillots are also noted for eating their handlers and other members of a caravan team. Psionicist handlers are best equipped to deal with these difficult beasts.

In combat, a mekillot’s long tongue strikes with amazing speed and power (inflicting 1d8 points of damage). On a natural roll of 20, the tongue grasps the target it hit and pulls it toward the mekillot’s gaping maw. The target must save versus paralyzation or be swallowed whole. Swallowed beings are nearly helpless. They can’t use any attack forms except for psionics, and after 2d6 hours they are consumed by the beast’s digestive juices.

Mekillots have a second special attack form, but it’s used as a purely defensive reaction. When something crawls beneath a mekillot, the creature instinctively drops to its belly to protect its softer undershell. The weight of the mekillot causes crushing damage (2d12 points), but the beast may also sustain injury depending on what it falls upon.