Ogre (Krynn), Orughi [2548]

Climat/Terrain Tropical and subtropical/Forest, hill, and mountain
Organisation Tribe
Fréquence Très rare
Diète Carnivore
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 5-7 - Intelligence basse
Trésor Individual: Q; Tribe Q×10
Alignement Chaotic Mauvais
Nombres 2-12
Classe d'armure 5
Mouvement Au sol : 9''
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage : 18''
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 4+1
Thac0 17
Nbre d'attaques 1
Dommage / attaques 1-6 (weapon)
Attaques spéciales +2 to damage
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(4-5’ tall)
Morale 5-7 - Instable
Valeur en XP 175 xp

Commentaires : The orughi are an ogre race dwelling on remote islands north of Ansalon. They are shorter, tatter, and duller than most ogres, but they are no less aggressive. They have stringy golden hair, oily gray skin, and webbed hands and feet, enabling them to swim at twice their land movement rate.
Though good fighters, the orughi are not as strong as other ogres and are more prone to panic. When possible, orughi try to lure their opponents into the sea; because of their swimming skill and the fact that they can hold their breath for 20 rounds, they are dangerous opponents in the water. Orughi use battle axes and daggers and also carry special weapons called tonkks. These weapons, resembling iron boomerangs connected to long metallic cords, are used by the orughi to capture birds. The tonkks inflict no damage but can be used to ensnare victims up to a distance of 30 yards (they cannot be used in the water)
Because of their skill with these weapons, orughi attacks with tonkks are made with a +3 bonus to the attack roll (non-orughi use tonkks with a -2 penalty). The cord of the tonkk rapidly wraps itself around a successfully attacked victim; once per round, the victim can attempt a Dexterity check with a -2 penalty. If he succeeds, he has untangled himself. If he fails, he must roll a Strength check with a -4 penalty. If the Strength check falls, the victim is pulled ten yards closer to the orughi who entangled him.
Orughi live in crude wooden shacks on the shores of their islands; they spend most of their time hunting and flshing. They worship Zeboim, the evil Queen of the Sea, and build elaborate shrines in her honor near the water’s edge. These shrines, resembling cylindrical towers of stone, can be seen from miles away; experienced sailors recognize them as a sign of an orughi settlement.
The orughi have no formal government. The eldest males of each family collectively rule the tribe. Disagreements are settled by combat. Orughi collect less treasure than other ogres. Their treasure caches seldom contain magical items, but usually include an ample supply of pearls and other gems recovered from the ocean floor.