Animal, Household (Athas), Renk [257]

Climat/Terrain Any
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Commun
Diète Charognard
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 0 - Non intelligent ou non mesurable
Trésor See below
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1
Classe d'armure 10
Mouvement Au sol : 1/10"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 1/2
Thac0 20
Nbre d'attaques 0
Dommage / attaques Nil
Attaques spéciales Nil
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille T - tiny ( 2' tall or less)
Morale Spe - Special
Valeur en XP 7 xp

Commentaires : This small gastropod has developed a symbiotic relationship with humanoid creatures in the desert. A harmless, tasteless slug, it stores water and is sometimes consumed raw on long desert trips.

Varied in color, renk have a 2-3. elongated, tapered body. A sucker mouth can be found below a short pair of antennae used to detect vibration.
Combat : These harmless slugs have no true attack. Renk live on certain benevolent creatures or individuals, gaining nourishment from licking the salt, sweat, and dead skin from the bodies. If a renk is attached to a person involved in melee combat, there is a cumulative 10% chance per round that the renk will be accidently hit and kille
Habitat / Société : Renk mate in stagnant water or rotting grain. They produce a dozen or so offspring that mature in 3-4 weeks. They are otherwise solitary creatures. Renk have small, abdominal suction pods that they use for locomotion and to attach to food sources. They prefer to stay shielded from direct sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight for more than 1d4 turns causes the renk to shrivel and die.
Ecologie : Renk are often taken on long trips. Consumed alive, renk contain more water than seems possible. Renk store moisture in an extra stomach that ruptures when they are eaten raw. An average renk holds ½ cup of water; therefore, an active man would need to eat 32 raw renks a day to replace fluids needed for one day in the desert. Concern should be taken when purchasing renk. Occasionally a leech or other harmful creature will be added to a group of renk and sold to an unsuspecting buyer.