Mephit, Fire [386]

Climat/Terrain Any
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Commun
Diète Special
Cycle d'activité Any
Intelligence 8-10 - Intelligence moyenne (humain)
Trésor N
Alignement Neutre Absolu
Nombres 1-10
Classe d'armure 5
Mouvement Au sol : 12"
Vol : 24" - Classe de vol : B
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 3+1
Thac0 17
Nbre d'attaques 2
Dommage / attaques 1-3+1/1-3+1
Attaques spéciales See below
Défenses spéciales See below
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(5’ tall)
Morale 8-10 - Moyen
Valeur en XP 420 xp

Commentaires : The most mischievous of all mephits, these fiends play terrible pranks on other mephits, such as pushing magma mephits into water and watching them harden.

Fire mephits are small, wiry humanoids with bright red skin and bat-wings. Some fire mephits affect a mustache, goatee, and tiny horns on their forehead, but these are always faked.
Combat : Touching a fire mephit causes 1 hp heat damage. Its two clawed hands rake for 1d3 damage each plus 1 hp heat damage per hit.

Fire mephits can use their breath weapon three times a day. In one form it is a flame jet 15’ long and 1’ wide that automatically hits one chosen target (1d8+1 damage; save vs. breath weapon for half damage). The second form, a fan of flame, covers a 120 arc in front of the mephit to a distance of five feet. Any creature in the arc suffers 4 hp damage (no save).

Fire mephits can also cast magic missile (two missiles) and heat metal spells once each per day. Once per hour a fire mephit can attempt to gate in another mephit, either fire, magma, smoke or steam.
Ecologie : Fire mephits sometimes prove useful heating forges, warming bedclothes, or lighting cigars