Gargoyle,Stone Lion [520]

Climat/Terrain Building or ruin
Organisation Solitary
Fréquence Très rare
Diète Rien
Cycle d'activité Day
Intelligence 5-7 - Intelligence basse
Trésor Nil
Alignement Neutre Bon
Nombres 1
Classe d'armure 2
Mouvement Au sol : 21"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 8+3
Thac0 11
Nbre d'attaques 3
Dommage / attaques 1-8/1-8/1-10
Attaques spéciales Scare
Défenses spéciales +1 or better magical weapon to hit, camouflage
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille M - man-size ( 4+' to 7' )
(7’ long)
Morale 15-16 - Champion
Valeur en XP 3000 xp

Commentaires : The stone lion is a solemn guardian. often found in pairs, and generally serving good-aligned priests and wizards. The lion has an excellent memory for faces and scents and cannot be fooled by disguises. The lion is usually set up near the main door of the house, but is occasionally placed on a ledge overhead – the stone lion can jump down 20 feet without harm.
Combat : The stone lion is a superior combattant, functioning as if it had Strength and Dexterity scores of 18. It attacks with its crushing bite and deadly claws, but often defeats its opponents with speed and agility rather than physical power.

The stone lion has one special power. It can roar once every three rounds, and this functions as a scare spell. Like other gargoyles, a stone lion can be hit only by weapons of +1 or better enchantment.
Habitat / Société : Unlike other types of gargoyles, a stone lion is a kindly creation and seeks to serve as a protector rather than a wreaker of havoc. It occasionally acts as a pett or companion to its owner, and can form genuine friendships with living beings as well as other stone lions. When motionless, the stone lion is indistinguishable from a statue of a lion carved from stone.

When its creator dies and the stone lion becomes free-willed, it will often seek to continue its guardian duties along more public lines. Most commonly, they become defenders of temples or of public buildings. They patrol these confines at night, sitting motionless during the day unless needed.
Ecologie : The stone lion is a magical guardian that has little or no impact on its environment. It need not eat, drink, or sleep. When not accompanying its master or patrolling the area. the lion is content to sit motionless, defending its territory.