Giant (Athas), Beasthead [794]

Climat/Terrain Sea of Silt Islands
Organisation Clan
Fréquence Rare
Diète Omnivore
Cycle d'activité Day
Intelligence 5-7 - Intelligence basse
Trésor O (C)
Alignement Neutre Mauvais
Nombres 3-6
Classe d'armure 3
Mouvement Au sol : 15"
Vol : - Classe de vol :
Nage :
Enfouissement :
Web :
Dés de vie 15
Thac0 5
Nbre d'attaques 2
Dommage / attaques 2-16+14/2-20+14
Attaques spéciales Psionics, hurl rocks or spears, bite
Défenses spéciales Nil
Résistance à la magie Nil
Taille H - huge ( 12+' to 25' )
(20’ tall)
Morale 15-16 - Champion
Valeur en XP 7000 xp

Pionic Abilities :
LvL Dis/Sci/Dev Att/Def Score PsP's

Clairsentience – Sciences: aura sight, clairvoyance; Devotions: combat mind, danger sense, know direction. Telepathy – Sciences: tower of iron will, psionic blast; Devotions: mind blank, ego whip, id insinuation, intellect fortress, conceal thoughts, life detection.

Commentaires : The giants of Athas are huge, lumbering creatures who commonly inhabit the islands of the Sea of Silt. The most common varieties are the desert giants, the plains giants, and the psionics-wielding beasthead giants.
All the giants of Athas share one characteristic, and that is savagery. Though humanoid giants can be congenial and friendly when properly approached, they have short tempers and are very easily agitated.

Beasthead giants are a rarer form of Athasian giant who also make their homes on the islands of the Sea of Silt. Though somewhat smaller than humanoid giants, beasthead giants are actually more dangerous.
Beasthead giants are smaller and lighter than their humanoid cousins, averaging 15 to 20 feet tall and weighing from three to six tons. Beasthead giants, as their name implies, have a humanlooking body and the head of a beast. There are many different types of beasthead giants, some bearing the head of a goat, or an eagle’s head, or the head of a wolf. Many beasthead giants bear the heads of creatures unique to Athas, such as the id fiend or the kirre. Beasthead giants are very pale in complexion, usually having pink or alabaster skin.
Combat : Beasthead giants behave in most situations like humanoid giants, though their combat tactics differ slightly. Beasthead giants rarely initiate battles anywhere aside from on their islands. Their shorter height makes wading through the Sea of Silt very hazardous, and so they infrequently leave their home islands. When defending their homes from intruders, they hurl rocks (2d10 points of damage) and spears (3d10 points) to ward off their opponents.
Among their favorite weapons are clubs, staves, and spears. Some beasthead giants have developed a type of sling, fashioned from vines and capable of projecting large (15-20 pound) rocks. Clubs and staves inflict 2d8 +14 points of damage on a successful attack, while spears do 2d10 + 14 points. Being hit by a sling rock does 2d8 +14 points of damage to the target.
Beasthead giants are also capable of making a bite attack instead of normal melee. This attack does an average of 2d10 + 14 points of damage, but varies depending upon the type of beasthead the creature sports. Some beastheads are capable of other attack forms, also depending on the type of beasthead.
Type of Beasthead

of Att
Eagle, goat
Id fiend
2d10 (breath weapon)
Beasthead giants are also powerful psionic-using creatures. Though they possess the same resistance to psionic powers that desert giants do, they can develop very powerful defense modes, making the use of psionic combat against them very difficult. Beasthead giants can use one psionic power per round, instead of their normal attacks, just as any other creature. Like many creatures of Athas, a beasthead giants. psionic defense modes are considered to be always “on10. This means that as long as the giant has enough PSPs to power its defense modes, they can employ them even in rounds in which they engage in melee combat.
Habitat / Société : Beasthead giants gather in smaller clans than other giant kin do, with usually three to six members in each. Clans of beasthead giants will usually all have the same type of head, though some clans have members of more than one type.
Beasthead giants feed mostly on animals, preferring herd animals like their humanoid giant counterparts.
Ecologie : Being magical mutations of normal Athasian giants, beasthead giants are a good source of spell components for both wizards and priests. The blood of a beasthead can be used in many different types of spells, but only those of preservers or druids. Also, beasthead giants provide unique spell components depending upon the type of beast head. For example, the feathers of an eagle head can be used in feather fall and other flight-oriented spells.