Egyptien RA (sun god) "Pharaoh to the Gods"
(Greater god)

Armor class : -3
Move : 24" / 24"
Hit points : 400
No. of attacks : 0
Damage/attaque : Nil
Special attacks : Heat Rays
Special defenses : Anti-magic shell, +3 or better weopon to hit
Magic resistance : 80%
Size : M (6')
Alignment : Neutre Bon
Worshiper alignment : Neutral good
Symbol : Solar disk encircled by a serpent
Plane : Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid : 20th level cleric
Fighter : 16th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : 19th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 20 I : 25 W : 25 D : 20 C : 25 Ch : 25

Ra usually appears with the body of a mon and the head of a hawk, surŽmounted by a solar disk. Often he can be seen in the shape of o hawk. He can shape change at will, and has o permanent anti-magic shell which prevents the entrante of others' spell effects but allows Ra to cast his own spells. He can cast the light of day into any area he wishes. He rides through the air in a huge war galley made of port of the sun and called the Motet (this galley changes into a simple barge at night called the Semktet). It travels at a rote of 24", is surrounded by flames (which inflict 40 points of searing damage on contact), and is neyer affected by magic.
In battle, Ro has the power to shoot rays of intense heat from his hands, two at a time, to a range of 500 yards. These rays inflict 4-40 points af damage, and cannot be negated by any power in the universe.
This god prevents fighting among the other beings of the pantheon and is' able to reduce all conflict ro a state where only the clerics of each secs are able to do battle, with their respective gods never taking a hand, unless Ra himself is out of commission.